We're closed until September

First Post

Hello, Berkey Water Filters Europe will be using this blog to inform you about Berkey water purifiers, the latest Berkey products and tips to keep your Berkey water filter in top condition.

As well we will be posting regularly about issues affecting water quality in the UK and Europe. These issues range from fracking and its threat to our fresh water supply, ground water contamination due to the use of glyphosate and other herbicides / pesticides, fluoridation, lead piping, pharmaceuticals in our drinking water and any other threat to fresh drinking water.

Berkey Water Filters Europe was established in 2010 by Philip Boerma with Denise Plooij. At the time we were living in Crete and had been using a Big Berkey water filter since 2008. A water filter was essential as we were living in a remote village and our water was untreated "agricultural water" used to water the olive trees. We were so impressed by the Berkey filters that after a time we approached the Berkey manufacturer to see if they were interested in having a European agent. They replied positively and from small beginnings we have now grown to be the premier UK and European Berkey distributor. We are now based in the beautiful Dorset countryside and offer the complete line of Berkey water purifiers together with professional service and extensive knowledge of all the Berkey products.

You are welcome to come and visit us at our office to taste the Berkey purified water and see the Berkey water filter systems for yourself. Alternatively if you have any questions or to place an order give us a call at 01747 832252 or send an email to info@berkeywaterfilterseurope.com.

Berkwy Water Filters