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Lab Test Results

The Black Berkey filters have been tested through the years by various independent EPA approved laboratories. NMCL, the manufacturer, publishes the results of these drinking water tests on the Black Berkey filters to provide people with the information they need to make an informed decision when purchasing a water filter. Below you will find links to testing done upon the Black Berkey filters for the elimination of among other things: heavy metals, bacteriological pathogens, radioactive isotypes, pharmaceuticals, perfluorinated chemicals etc. If you have any questions or concerns related to the results of these drinking water tests please don't hesitate to contact us at info@berkeywaterfilterseurope.com..

PFAS Forever Chemicals

Berkey Travel comes top in test to remove PFAS from tap water.

Cyanobacteria Test Results

2019 Cyanobacteria Lab Test Results

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Radiation Test Results

2016 Radiation Lab Test Results

Virus Removal

FAQ's about the Black Berkey Filter and Virus Removal

Virus Removal Reports from Berkey Water Filters Europe

Envirotek Lab Test

2014 Lab Test Results from Envirotek Laboratories Inc., New Jersey

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LA County Lab Test

Latest test results by the Environmental Toxicology Laboratory of Los Angeles.

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Download Inorganic Test

Download Organic Test

Lead Reduction Lab Test Results

Lead Reduction Lab Test Results

Lead Reduction Lab Test Results from Berkey Water Filters Europe

Perfluorinated Chemicals

Perfluorinated Chemicals Reduction Lab Test Results

ASI Lab Test

Microbiological Challenge Study by Analytical Services Inc. (ASI).

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Berkwy Water Filters